Located at 12 Alice Burke Way, in Westfield Massachusetts, the Westfield Housing Authority (WHA), along with the City of Westfield, work together to meet the needs of housing and improvements to the City’s public housing inventory.
The WHA operates 62 units of the state family public housing at Colonial Pine Acres, 26 units under its state Chapter 705 Program, 339 state aided Elderly/Disabled units in the 667 Program, and 14 units for the disabled under the state 689 program. Additionally, the WHA owns, operates, manages, and maintains five hundred and thirty-one state-aided housing, while also subsidizes two hundred and eighty-four federally funded section 8 vouchers.
The primary need for public housing is for the modernization and ongoing maintenance of the older public housing stock.
Daniel Kelly, Executive Director
Karen Casey - Operations Manager - Administrative
Accounts Payable & Workorders
Renee Sanders - (413) 579-4926
Applications/Waiting List - Section 8,
Mass. Rental Voucher (Se habla Espanol)
State Aided Housing Coordinator
Marisol Quinones - (413) 579-4262
Mass. Rental Voucher Program Administrator
Applications/Waiting List - State Aided
and Alternative Housing Voucher Program
Bridgette Mulville - (413) 579-7019
Section 8 Administrator